Together We Care Campaign
We watched in disbelief as the country of Ukraine fell under attack in February. For us in Washington state, this was troubling, but for many of our brothers and sisters in Ukraine, this was a time of trouble. With the horrors of war all around them, with family and loved ones falling to the wayside, many fled with little more than the clothes on their back. This is truly a time of trouble for the body of Jesus Christ.
Fast forward 6 months and BV has been blessed to serve as a safe harbor, shielding 6 young souls from the horrors of war more than 5,000 miles away. This is a moment when part of our mission came to life, “We treasure each child who enters here as a gift from God.” How fitting that we would be asked to provide a place where these students could feel safe, valued, loved.
Currently BV is working hard to make a difference in the lives of these students by providing support academically, socially, physically, and spiritually. However, we can’t do this alone. These students arrived with just the clothes on their backs literally leaving everything behind.
We need your help. Your tax deductible gift can help these students experience what it means to be a part of the body of Christ, to feel safe, valued, and loved.